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​神宮エミからみなさまへ(Message from Emi Jingu)

執筆者の写真: Emi JinguEmi Jingu

みなさまこんにちは。バルーンデザイナーの神宮エミです。 2017年にバルーンブランド【EMIJINGU】を立ち上げ、バルーンの新しい価値を創造するために


バルーンを永遠に持つものとして、万華鏡のようなデザインに落とし込んだり、様々な可能性を追求してきました。 Hi. I’m Emi Jingu, balloon-art designer.

I launched my brand “EMIJINGU” in 2017. Under this brand,

I have sought for various artistic possibilities of the balloon art to develop balloons’ new worth. I participated in the Vancouver Fashion Week to show my fashion collection made with balloons.

I converted my balloon artworks into permanent designs, just like a kaleidoscope.



When I asked myself, ‘why I choose balloons for my expression?’ and ‘why are they important?’

I thought I have to know more about the balloons. Then I visited a rubber plantation in Thailand in 2019.








At the plantation, by seeing the light, the soil, the water, and the rubber trees from where latex sap is collected,

I felt the power of nature.

I recognized that the balloons my works are made of, were linked with nature.

And I noticed that my works are also linked with nature.

Latex can be collected for approximately 30 to 50 years, with no need of cutting down the rubber trees.

These trees can also be used for furniture after they are cut down. Additionally, even in the manufacturing process, there is no addition of chemical materials.

Finally, they will be biodegraded in the ground. Balloons are a very eco-friendly material. また、地球上にある全てのもの、人間・大気・物体などは全て粒子でできており、



Everything on the Earth consists of particles, such as the cells in our bodies, the atmosphere, the objects, etc.

If I create my artworks to express something in the world with balloons,

a material which is very close to nature; what will it happen? I think there will be a comfortable discomfort.

I think that can be thought of as a new kind of harmonization.

バルーンの本当の価値を伝えながら、万物とバルーンの粒を調和させたアート作品を作り、バルーンの可能性を発信することで、SDGsの目標の環境という観点をバルーンアートを使い貢献できたらと考え、 今後は、【地球とつながるバルーンの粒で万物との調和を作り出す】をコンセプトに EMIJINGUの第2章となるGloballoon(Globalism+Balloon)プロジェクトを始めようと決めました。

I thought I could contribute to the targets of the environment of the SDGs by creating artwork harmonizing balloons

with many other things, stating all the possibilities balloons have, while communicating the real value of balloons.

That is why, from now on, I decided to start the EMIJNGU's 2nd chapter: project Globalloon (Globalism + Balloon),

whose concept will be to ‘Create a harmonization with everything on the Earth by using particles made of Earth-linked balloons.’


その木からバルーンを採取し作品を作るプロジェクトなど、進めようとしていたところに、コロナが訪れました。 海外でのプロジェクトはもちろん、海外に行くことさえできない。 むしろコロナは世界中のたくさんの命を奪い、わたしたちの当たり前を一瞬で、壊しました。

For the first scene of the 2nd chapter, I was planning and preparing for many projects.

Those were participating in the Paris Fashion Week in September 2020,

holding a fashion show in a rubber plantation in Thailand, planting rubber trees in Japan, creating works with balloons made from the forested rubber trees, etc. However, Covid-19 hit and changed the world. I cannot promote overseas projects. I cannot go abroad. What is even worst, Covid-19 has killed many people around the world. That virus has cruelly destroyed our normal way of life at once. そんなコロナ禍の中、今私に何ができるのか。

今私にできる最大限のことをしたい。 考えた上で私は決断をしました。 この日本から、世界中の人たちにとって希望となるようなEMIJINGUの作品を作り届けたい。その作品はバルーンだけでなく日本の素晴らしいクリエイター達とコラボし、

今までに見たことのない新しい日本を代表する作品を届けたい。 そこで、かつてから考えていた、バルーンの粒を花のように活けていく【バルーン生け花】を実現化し、日本の国花である桜を表現する作品を作りたいと考えました。

そして、今回なんと、府中の観光大使を任命いただいたご縁から、府中市にある、東京五社の1つであり、1900年の歴史があり、春には枝垂桜でとても綺麗な大國魂神社の神楽殿で、奉納という形で、この作品を行う機会をいただきました。 この作品がEMIJINGUとしての第2章のスタートプロジェクトにしたいと思っています。 2021年、2月12日にたくさんの方の心と記憶に残る作品をお届けしますので、ぜひ楽しみにしていてください。

What can I do under this situation with Covid-19? I want to do my best even in this situation. I thought and thought, and then I made up my mind.

I want to create and deliver my works, which may bring hope for the people all over the world.

It’s from EMIJINGU in Japan to everybody in the world.

I want to create very Japanese works in collaboration with great Japanese creators from various artistic and creative fields including,

but not only, balloon art. That project is to present works nobody has ever seen.

I chose the Japanese national flower, sakura. I will create sakura flowers with particles made with balloons and decorate them based on ikebana (traditional Japanese flower arrangements). I named this method ‘Balloon Ikebana’. Amazingly, this time, I am honored to carry out this project as an offering in a kagura-den in Ookunitama shrine. (Kagura-den: sacred dance stages in shrines.) Ookunitama shrine is located in Fuchu City in Tokyo, Japan. This shrine has 1900 years of history and is listed on Tokyo GoSha. (Tokyo GoSha: Top 5 famous shrines.) Ookunitama shrine has very beautiful weeping cherry trees that bloom in spring. I deeply appreciate this given opportunity as I am one of the tourism ambassadors of Fuchu City.

I would like to have this project as the first milestone of the 2nd chapter of EMIJINGU.

I will deliver this project free of charge through EMIJINGU channel on YouTube.

The release date is Friday, February 12, 2021. I will show you an impressive and memorable work. Don’t miss it.





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